RENA Day Care Centers, Inc., is located at 639 Edgecombe Avenue, New York, New York 10032 with Family Child Care Network. RENA was founded in 1972 to provide early care and education to children 0-12 years old. RENA added Family Child Care to its repertoire in 1973 and procured funds to serve nutritious meals to children under the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The majority of our children are eligible for the Free or Reduced meals categories under the Federal poverty guidelines implemented by the CACFP food contract. We also partner with 76 additional FCC Providers to help provide nutritious meals to children in their care through our CACFP.
Since 1972, RENA continues to provide high-quality early care and education to low-income families in school districts 3, 4, 5, and 6. RENA is now contracted by the New York City Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Education to serve 747 children ages 2.6 months to 4 years-old within center-based and OCFS-DOHMH licensed DOE Affiliated Family Child Care homes. RENA provides intentional, responsive, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate daily care and learning opportunities to children and families by implementing the research-based Creative Curriculum Foundations for Infants, Toddlers, 3K for All programs, and 4K for All.
In collaboration with community partners, RENA has encompassed the delivery of special needs services under Early Intervention and CPSE, health, nutrition, service referrals (housing, immigration, mental health, medical, etc.,) among other resources based on the needs identified by families.
RENA provides families, children, staff, and the community with an early childhood education experience that supports the whole child in and out of the learning environment (classrooms/FCCN homes) by empowering families as advocates and primary caregivers, providing staff with resources and professional learning opportunities to support their roles as ECE educators, and by working with our community partners to identify resources that enables the families and staff to support children as lifelong learners. RENA helps lay the foundation for school and life readiness.

Our Mission is to provide high-quality early care and education to children from birth to five in developmentally appropriate learning environments. To foster diversity and culturally responsive practices that promote inclusiveness and equity for all.
RENA's vision is to partner with families, caregivers, staff, community members, and key stakeholders to lay the foundation for lifelong learning for all of our students. To support and promote learning environments where children can explore, learn and grow. To align families with comprehensive supports to meet their needs. And lastly, to empower families as their children's primary caregivers and advocates through collaborative family engagement.